Little Mini Character. ONLY TRADING FOR OTHER MINI'S. Most of these will be going into cache's so numbers will be limited. Thanks [Jayne is walking menacingly towards Mal with a large gun] Jayne: Six men came to kill me one time. And the best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun. [he holds the gun out to Mal] Mal: [exclaims in Chinese] You offering me a trade? Jayne: A trade? Hell, it's theft. This the best gun made by man. It has *extreme* sentimental value. It's miles more worthy 'n what you got! Mal: What I got? She has a name. Jayne: So does this. I call it Vera. Mal: Well, my days of not takin' ya seriously are certainly comin' to a middle Tagwords: Firefly Nathan Fillion Serenity TV Series Sign in to log or trade for this tag |